Dr. habil. Nancy Weiland-Bräuer
Researcher with postdoctoral qualification
(Akademische Rätin)
My research focuses on various aspects of molecular microbiology, with an emphasis on the diverse and complex interactions between bacteria, between bacteria and a eukaryotic host, and between bacteria and bacteriophages. My current research includes the investigation of microbial interactions in marine and terrestrial habitats with regard to their ecological function and effects on ecosystems (influence on food chains, adaptation, nutrient cycles).
I combine metagenomic and cultivation-dependent approaches in order to discover biotechnologically relevant bioactive molecules. My methodological expertise lies in the areas of functional metagenomics and the cultivation of microorganisms. A great strength of my research is the intensive combination of basic and application-oriented research.
Inhibition of biofilms with quorum quenching molecules
Bacteriophages - key players in microbiomes
and an alternative to antibiotics
Host-microbe interactions
PostDoc qualification (habilitation)
venia legendi for microbiology
Kiel University
2006 - 2010
Ph.D. Microbiology (magna cum laude)
Kiel University
2000 - 2006
Diploma Biology (cell biology and genetics, microbiology, toxicology)
Kiel University
since 2021
Private Lecturer (PD) and project/group leader (Akademische Rätin auf Zeit)
Institute of General Microbiology
Kiel University
2017 - 2021
Research associate (habilitand, project leader)
Institute of General Microbiology (Prof. Dr. Schmitz-Streit)
Kiel University
2014 - 2017
Research associate (independent position with own research project within the DFG Excellence Initiative “The Future Ocean”)
Kiel University
2010 - 2014
Research Associate (Postdoc)
Institute of General Microbiology (Prof. Dr. Schmitz-Streit)
Kiel University
2006 - 2010
Research Associate (Ph.D.)
Institute of General Microbiology (Prof. Dr. Schmitz-Streit)
Kiel University
Assistant (project-related lab work)
Kiel University
2003 - 2005
Student assistant (practical course preparation and supervision)
Kiel University
BSc theses
7 independently supervised
5 in Co-supervision with Prof. Dr.Schmitz-Streit
MSc theses
1 independently supervised
3 in Co-supervision with Prof. Dr. Schmitz-Streit
Diploma theses
3 in Co-supervision with Prof. Dr. Schmitz-Streit
Ph.D. theses
6 in Co-supervision with Prof. Dr. Schmitz-Streit
“Grundlagen der marinen Mikrobiologie” (module with lectures,
practical exercises and excursions)
"Kommunikation der Wissenschaft" (small group project introducing scientific writing, giving talks, and creating posters)
"Vernetzungsmodul" (small group project to repeat and link the contents of selected BSc modules, development of a research project within an overarching topic)
Hands-on training "Methoden der Mikrobiologie", part "Quorum sensing"
Hands-on training "Genetik und Mikrobiologie", part "Genetischer Austausch zwischen Mikroorganismen"
Academic self-administration
since 2021
Equal opportunity commissioner at Faculty of Math. and Nat. Sciences, Kiel University
Member of appeal committee W1 professorship „Mikrobielle Ozeanographie“, Kiel University
Member of appeal committee W3 professorship „Biochemie und Mikrobielle Physiologie“, Kiel University
2017 - 2018
Representative Central Committee for Research and Research Transfer at Kiel University
2016 - 2018
Representative Central Committee for University Principles and at Kiel University
2016 - 2018
Representative Central Studies Committee at Kiel University
Member of appeal committee W2 professorship „Theoretische Biologie“
2010 - 2012
Committee member Faculty Biology, Kiel University